
I've been a cosplayer for about 10 years. Many of my cosplays are hand-sewn unless stated otherwise. I only own a sewing machine. I do not own a serger so many of my edges are unfinished or unhemed. I cosplay many video game and anime characters. I am a midsized cosplayer so I range from around Large to Extra Large depending on the cosplay.
My Instagram is @mochizoubear
Smoke free home!
I recently got a cat but I try to keep cat hair away from any cosplay or packages.
I mostly ship with USPS. If you want a different carrier, please DM me.

8 open listings

6 followed people

3 received reviews (100% positive, 3/3)

Thank you~

Alex about listing Noire Fire Emblem Awakening Cosplay 5 months ago.

Thank you

Communication and shipping were both swift, and everything arrived in good condition!

RoseOfBattle about listing Jade Harley Homestuck Cosplay 2 years ago.